The Democratic Party is the Greatest Threat to America

democrats - bad for america

by Diane Rufino, January 20, 2019

In a nutshell, this is what the Democratic Party wants for American citizens…..   This is what it believes government can impose on us —

It wants open borders – to allow the uncontrolled immigration and smuggling of drugs into our country to overwhelm our system and our services and to poison and kill our children. It wants to continue allowing drug traffickers to make drugs readily available on our streets and on our college campuses, and to allow dangerous and brutal MS-13 gang members to terrorize our communities and neighborhoods. These are all simply non-important, non-crisis-level collateral problems caused by the more righteous decision to ignore immigration laws and do what is “moral.

As it allows more and more criminals and drugs into our country, it wants at the same time to confiscate firearms and to outlaw most of the common guns (205 of them) that citizens purchase and acquire to defend themselves, their families, and their homes. [Dianne Feinstein has already introduced the bill, co-sponsored by a slew of Democratic Senators, and Democratic states are already enforcing gun confiscation laws, other gun control laws, and Red Flag laws].

And then for the coup-de-grace…. in return for providing no safety or national security, for increasing the level of crime in our country, in our cities, and towns, and in our communities, and for taking away our most  essential of human rights (the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense and to defend against government tyranny), it wants to jack up our federal income tax rate  to 70% to pay for all the freebies that will be provided to those who don’t work, who don’t want to work, who are not “comfortable enough” in their poverty, who are having more and more kids without being married or being able to afford them, and who pour into the country illegally.

Don’t be fooled by their rhetoric or their feigned concern for morality or compassion. It’s about one thing and one thing only – growing the voter base for the Democratic Party. A party that prides itself on everything unpatriotic, unnatural, and illegal must grow its votes by increasing those bases. They despise our Constitution and our laws; they despise our traditional values and they despise our sense of nationality and “America first.” 

A government that offers no protection, no security of rights, and nothing of real lasting value is one that is no different from Rome’s “bread and circuses.”  Like the history of the Roman Empire, a government that just treats man’s basic urges and distracts him while the country falls into a downward spiral, is one that signal’s the country’s eventual demise.

Democrats are the biggest threat to our country and to our Constitution. They are bad for you and bad for America.

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